
Six ways you can prove your value as a researcher

Our Executive Vice President, Client Service, John Bird, talks about steps that market researchers can take now to deliver value to the bottom line.

Demands to show ROI and value are at an all-time high. So how do you take steps to prove your worth as a market researcher? John Bird covers this in a new article on the GreenBook blog called "Are Market Researchers Indispensable? Six Steps to Make Sure." In the piece, he provides straightforward, practical ways that you can start to deliver value to the bottom line.

The editor's note sums up the article's premise nicely: "Sometimes I find checklists valuable to keep and refer back to regularly. In the stress of everyday work, it's easy to forget the big picture and therefore go off track to your later regret. John Bird reminds us of some valuable points about making sure that the research we do aids the critical mission of the companies we work for. If we can check those things off, we have a better chance of a prosperous future."

John's six steps to becoming indispensable are mostly common sense, but many of us forget to circle back around to them. Keeping these simple tasks top-of-mind will help you prove value every step of the way. In the article, he elaborates on the following points:

  • Use a combination of new technology and expertise to deliver on demands for better, faster, cheaper.
  • Be a good storyteller with flexible, dynamic ways to present findings and recommendations.
  • Let your natural curiosity shine and be a better problem solver in light of the broader goals of the client.
  • Connect insight to action by understanding how your work will be applied in the "real world."
  • Maximize research investments in technology so stakeholders can focus on taking informed action.
  • Create an environment for doing great work that fits with the makeup and dynamics of your team.

In short, these tips will "help you keep a focus on delivering value to the bottom line. Besides, with everyone keeping a close eye on the pocketbook, it's important to closely evaluate current methods and budgets, and ensure you're investing – or recommending investment – in the most efficient approaches."

For the complete article, visit:

Want more? Read our e-book, The Insider's Guide: Five ways to keep consumer insights at the heart of your organization. Find out how to boost the profile of market research, prove your value, and put the insights team at the heart of your organization.

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