Increase confidence in your data insights

Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.

Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.

The right tool should help, not hallucinate.  

Even a hint of a hallucination can be wildly damaging to your team's credibility. So, whatever you're needing to achieve, pays to pay attention to the fundamentals - like using the right tool for the job. Harmoni is built upon a respondent-level analysis engine that has been tried and tested for decades. It also has the latest technology plugged into it, and a comprehensive development plan with further AI, data quality, privacy and security, speed, and analysis enhancements, and UX/UI improvements.
Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.

Data assurance with your market research findings

When you know where your data comes from and how reliable it really is, then you can be confident in your next steps, such as analysis and data-driven business actions. We help ensure that decision-makers in your organization can rely on the data with solid data assurance.

Data governance, quality and integrity

For most organizations, data governance is a critical concept to ensuring the availability, consistency, integrity and security of data. Did you know that this process doesn’t have to slow down your speed to insights? We help you implement data quality measures from the design phase all the way through to insight delivery, plus protocols to ensure data integrity – all while avoiding common inefficiencies and errors.

Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.
Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.

Ongoing quality control: Auditing and reporting

Streamline your quality control workflow by implementing ongoing, traffic-light reporting that helps you identify anomalies before they affect data trends. With Harmoni, you can easily combine survey data and passively-collected control measures (e.g. length per questionnaire, number of brands mentioned, etc.) – resulting in easy-to-read fieldwork quality control mechanism that helps you avoid wasted sample, saving time and money.

The right tools for data confidence

If you are collecting, scraping and storing vast amounts of data to understand your audience, you need the right solutions to access, analyze and understand it. While traditional business intelligence tools have many strengths, they are not generally equipped with the functionality necessary to deal with the complexities of primary research data – and this is the data that will give you true consumer insights. 

Harmoni's pedigree in the market research sector gives insights professionals the confidence and assurance when sharing findings with stakeholders. With so much at stake in this data-driven world, there's no substitute for a modern platform and extensive experience in the sector.

Guiding your insights team into an agile insights generation approach?