
What do companies want from their market research partners?

Written by Infotools | 04 Feb 2020

"As a trusted market research partner, you need to add value, make your client's job easier, and make them look good for their stakeholders."

You can learn a lot over three decades in the market research industry. We have enjoyed long-term relationships with some of the world’s largest and most respected brands, conducting on-the-ground research projects. We’ve also built an innovative technology platform, Harmoni, based on our expertise, which companies use to analyze and visualize their market research data. 

Over the years, our team has identified some core truths about successful partnerships. Our Account Director for New Zealand, Terry McCarthy, gathered some of these thoughts together in an article for the Insights Association blog. Some of the points he covered included:

  • Encourage new ways of thinking about a challenge or problem by bringing a fresh new perspective to the table. “Your knowledge and advice will drive the relationship if you speak up.”
  • Be the avenue to the change that they need to make to keep up with a landscape that is moving faster and faster. Use your expertise to bring solutions to the table and help them “future-proof their business.”
  • Use your passion as a researcher to reignite your client’s projects, helping them uncover a renewed sense of curiosity and purpose. “A genuine interest in the business of the client is a precious commodity that will be rewarding and fun and, at the same time, build value for the client.”

For this topic, several of our team shared their opinions, and it was interesting that many independently gave answers along the same lines as those Terry outlines. Other specific things that our team felt companies wanted from their partners included a proactive attitude, confidence and expertise, and a vested, engaged interest in the project at hand.

Terry concludes his article with: “As a trusted market research partner, you need to add value, make your client’s job easier and make them look good for their stakeholders. Your expert support and guidance can mean the difference between the success and failure of important initiatives.” 

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