
Tracker studies are key during times of change

Written by Infotools | 21 Apr 2020

As we seek stability in a time of great transition, tracker studies can be a lifeline. Seek expert advice that can help you pivot your programs and implement best practices.

In market research, change within our industry is intimately linked with changes in consumer behavior and sentiment. For many of us, we’ve had to pivot the way we approach our work: from adapting to working from home for the first time all the way to shifting the way we collect insights. For example, from a qualitative perspective, methodologies must now solely rely on digital avenues. Across the board, we must be more thoughtful, empathetic and mindful when approaching people for their opinions, thoughts and feedback.

In light of these new realities, many market researchers are asking about how to pivot or change their normed or tracker studies during a time of massive change. Infotools EVP of Client Development, John Bird, draws on decades of experience to provide guidance for those looking to make important changes to trackers in his latest article for the Insights Association, “Seizing the High Ground: Pivoting Tracker Studies During Times of Change.”

He writes: “The primary benefit of a tracking program is to add perspective to the business by measuring important metrics like brand awareness, customer satisfaction, consumer sentiment and marketing effectiveness over time. We can likely all agree, never has there been a time of greater change in each of these sorts of metrics than there is right now.”

This starts with a careful evaluation of current processes, all the way to taking a look at the manner in which the trackers are reported. John writes: “Reporting on tracker studies can be looked at in light of three broad solutions: death by PowerPoint, fully automated dashboards, and blended solutions.” 

A few key points are covered in the article to help guide market researchers through the process of pivoting trackers to accommodate changing consumer behavior.

  • Uncover the right questions to ask with your tracker studies during times of change, in order to cut through any unnecessary clutter
  • Evaluate the right mix of people and tools in order to quickly find the insights you need most
  • Understand the importance of trackers from a historical perspective, along with various “then and now” methods for data reporting
  • Determine which parts of the process to automate and take practical steps for ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of your tracker

John wraps up the piece with this advice: “As we seek stability in a time of tremendous transition, tracker studies can be a lifeline. Seek expert advice that can help you pivot your programs and implement best practices so that we all come out of this crisis stronger. Let’s seize the “new high ground” and end up with the data and insights we need for future success.”

With 30 years in the market research space, the team at Infotools has run global tracker studies for decades for some of the world’s largest and most well-known brands. Our tracker conversation specialists can help you pivot your programs and implement best practices so that we all come out of this crisis stronger.

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