
Be the hero in your insights journey

Written by Infotools | 02 Mar 2021

In your quest to discover insights, you're the star of your insights story and, with the right technology, can choose from many possible endings.

If you are of a certain age, you may remember the adventure book series from the 1970's and '80's, in which the reader chooses the outcome of the story. The reason these books were so wildly popular was that we were able to assume the protagonist's role, take control, and choose from multiple endings to conclude the story - from disastrous to glorious. 

As market researchers, we want this kind of control over our own “story” when it comes to technology adoption in our quest to discover insights. You could be seeking faster access to insights, cutting out the “middle human,” or just wanting to have a stronger hand in each step of the data collection, analysis and visualization process. The right platforms and solutions can most definitely give you the choices you desire. However, even after choosing from the many options out there, it’s hard to know how the story will end or which path will ultimately create the best outcome. 

That’s why, with Harmoni, you can choose your insights story. We believe that the beauty of any new technology is that it allows you, the researcher, more time to be “human,” feeding your natural curiosity and uncovering the insights that matter to business outcomes.  

  • You can be the hero in your insights journey: Harmoni was purpose-built for researchers, with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to investigate the data. Harmoni is an incredibly feature-rich platform, that we often help to set up (after gaining a deep understanding of your business goals and program objectives) and then hand it over for your teams to use on their own. This is the perfect model if you are a staunch do-it-yourselfer, and allows you to uncover deep, complex insights with a solution that was specifically built for your needs.
  • You can choose a team to go on your adventure with you: One potential plot twist in any new solution adoption process is a lack of support and expertise, with technology vendors selling the technology and then leaving you to your own devices. It’s important to find a software partner that understands your business and its objectives, so that they can help when needed. At Infotools, we can act as an extension of your insights team, applying our expertise to create efficiencies and support internal teams at every step along the way. A combination of the best of both the human and technology-powered worlds.
  • You can choose to take a supporting role only: Sometimes, you find out the hard way that being the hero is not for you. Instead, you’d like to focus on other critical aspects of the insights journey, handing the data analysis and reporting back to our expert team and allowing us to expertly maintain the insights. Our team’s decades of experience can help provide a strong research program foundation, knowledgeable project oversight and quality insights, ultimately protecting the research investment. There isn't much we haven't done when it comes to market research, so ask us anything, we’re here to help.

When you’re choosing your own adventure with something as significant as business-critical market research data, you need to know that there is flexibility built-in. With multiple ways of approaching insights programs and projects, we apply our understanding of your business needs, our knowledge of the intricacies of market research, our innovative technology, and our 30 years of experience managing partnerships with the globe’s largest brands. This lets you be the protagonist, and choose the story that fits your unique situation.